dat. naroz.chovnost
Gilfach Jessies Jewel
KC AA04722906
červená, b.zn.fena---
Valglo Love In a Mist
KC AH04875501
modrá, b.zn.fena---
Valglo Jeff´s Choice
Valglo Destiny
Gadkey´s Jewel in the Crown
KC V4501209V04
černá žíhaná, b.zn.fena---
Crossguns Revolution
Little Wren of Gadkey
Crossguns Yahoo
KC AA01756005
černá žíhaná, b.zn.fena---
Valglo Impreza at Crossguns
Maxsta Lucy Lou
KC AF02495103
černá žíhanáfena---
Days of Thunder at Crossguns
Maxsta Miss Millie
Rhondo´s Nothern Lass of Takilla
KCSB 579203S01
plavá, b.zn.fena---
Fire Ball Daffodil Yellowžíhaná, b.zn.pes20.11.2001--
Conundrum Daffodil Yellow
Anouschke Daffodil Yellow
Crossswords Mirabelle Tree
KC AE04990401
černá žíhanáfena15.11.2004--
Crossguns Billy Black
Crossswords Juniper Meadow
Alport Fire Cracker
Rikers Secret Sidekick
Classic Find at Alport
Rockstaff Cannata
KC AA01238403
bílá, černé plotnyfena---
Idle Selow Miniesžíhaná, b.zn.pes02.05.2009--
Diesel Wizard Bull
Olly Clan Athena Hero
Dark Little Raver at Valkstaff
KC AG04407801
černá žíhaná, b.zn.pes24.09.2006--
Merry Snugčervená, b.zn.fena23.06.2003--
Assiniboine z Lodice
Beatrice ze Smiřické zahrady
One Shure Shot at Ninevah
KC AD3212704
Wyrefare Midland Sure Shot
Barielle Pied Wuzit to Trawden
KC AD02597104
bílá, žíhané plotnyfena12.05.2003--
Trawden Jo Ballistic
Leger Ingles Idol of Barielle
Seastaff Poseidon
KC AP03731702
červená, b.zn.pes13.09.2012--
Bourtie Red Prospect
Seastaff Polar Star
Crossguns Carless Whisper
KC AE00423804
černá žíhanáfena---
Valglo Casanova at Grossguns
Valglo Impreza at Crossguns
Jodel´s Chiquitita
KC AG04803201
bílá, červené plotnyfena10.10.2006--
Jodel´s Mr Cool
Staffmaster Pure Delight
Wanneville´s Forget Me Not
KC AL00315208
černá žíhaná, b.zn.fena---
Tillcarr Pyroteknic
Rufflad´s Spinderella
Gina Nijadažíhaná, b.zn.fena31.12.2009--
Imp Fransimo Bohemia
Amy Nijada
Briganah Black Orchid
černá žíhanáfena11.12.2006--
Carnig Positive Profile
Briganah All About Eve
Atli by Valhalla´s Glolria-pes---
Deestaff Ole´Mi Bou of Dugar-pes---
Hot King Staff D-Battle Star-fena---
Kristy Blue of Eilatanmodrá, b.zn.fena29.10.2010--
Fransimo Blue Dream
Silver Mercury Rising
Kogel Mogel Pulleražíhanápes19.07.2004--
Victory March Pullera
Doll Toy Pullera
Aldwych Go With The Flo
Alport Tour de Force
KC AB00520006
Judael Both Barrels at Nozac
Classic Find at Alport
Bilrosestaff Jezabell
KC AG04214107
černá žíhaná, b.zn.fena11.09.2006--
Gularrens Nice One Son at Bilrosestaff
Missie Madam
Brittstaff Dutch Precious Gem over Dumbriton
červená, b.zn.fena31.05.2005--
Brittstaff by Jove over Dumbriton